Why Kinectory

Our Vision

“Redefining Early Childhood Education to empower
every child’s God-given  abilities”
  • We are shifting public perception of early childhood education.
  • We offer STEM integrated education, not just childcare.
  • We employ educators, not just daycare workers.
  • We look to impact and inspire families and existing preschools nationwide.

Our Values

“Every child is a gift”

  • Every child is made in the image of the Creator and thus has intrinsic value.
  • Education in the early years is critical (90% of neural development occurs before the age of 5).

(Ps. 123:7, Mark 10:15-16, Ps. 139:13-14)

“Every child has a gift”

  • Great capacity exists in every child but needs to be discovered and championed.
  • Natural giftings often sit under the umbrella of spiritual giftings. We seek to identify and empower both.

(Rom. 12:6a, 1 Cor. 12:4-7, Jer. 1:5, 2 Cor. 9:12)

“Every child deserves the CHANCE to USE their gift”

  • Our greatest joy is realized through our eternal purpose in serving Jesus with our life and giftings.
  • We build the kingdom of God by identifying, equipping, and empowering young leaders.

(Ps. 123:7, Mark 10:15-16, Ps. 139:13-14)

“Every child is a gift”

(Explore / Body)
  • Every child is made in the image of the Creator and thus has intrinsic value
  • Early years are crucial (90% of neural development occurs before the age of 5)

(Ps. 123:7, Mark 10:15-16, Ps. 139:13-14)

“Every child has a gift”

(Discover / Soul)
  • Great capacity exists in every child but needs to be discovered and championed
  • Natural giftings often sit under the umbrella of spiritual giftings

(Rom. 12:6a, 1 Cor. 12:4-7, Jer. 1:5, 2 Cor. 9:12)

“Every child deserves the opportunity to exercise their gift”

(Create / Spirit)
  • Our greatest joy is realized through our eternal purpose in serving Jesus with our gifts
  • We build the kingdom of God by identifying, equipping, and empowering young leaders

(Ps. 123:7, Mark 10:15-16, Ps. 139:13-14)

Our Mission

We offer the highest quality STEM education available with research backed methodologies, play-
based techniques, and a biblical worldview.


We explore and implement cutting-edge methodologies, resources, and  tools.

  • Lifelong learners

  • Trainings

  • Methodologies

  • products


We pursue ongoing discovery through original research initiatives.

  • Conduct and publish original research


We create opportunities for every child to exercise their gifts.

  • Kinectory Learning Centers LLC

    • Implement vision in highly controlled school environments

    • Through franchises

  • Charity: 501(c)3

    • Extend vision to wider span of geographic locations and socioeconomic populations through Kinectory STEM centers

    • Conduct calculated research studies in the field to specifically further the vision

    • Build flagship community STEM Center for ongoing research and trainings


We're here to answer any questions you may have and to guide you through the enrollment process. Contact us to learn more about our programs, our philosophy, or to schedule a visit.
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We're here to answer any questions you may have and to guide you through the enrollment process. Contact us to learn more about our programs, our philosophy, or to schedule a visit.
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